My Hero

Our heroes,

They were here to stay with us,
they will never leave us,
not in my mind.

They gave up their lives,
their freedom,
for us to live.

They stopped sadness,
they killed pain,
they protected us.

They never cry,
they never moan,
they just smile.

They are happy with what they did,
they want you to be too.

They didn’t protect us for you to be sad now,
they did it because they love you,

They never regret what they did,
so you dont need to either.

Our heroes wipe the tears of many,
they bring smiles to our faces.

But on their rememberance day,
they are the ones that smile.

They want you to remember.
they want you to hear them.

Because in that deadly silence,
you are the only one that matters to them!