Reunited Heroes

Blood red poppies sit on the cobbled street,
Mournful faces surround the war flowers,
In the centre of the crowd, standing proudly is the statue with the heroes’ names.
The heroes watch over their fellow citizens,
Saluting to mother England,
The reason they fought.

The deep bell rings and the crowd shuts their eyes,
Imagining what it wold be like in the war,
Guns and bombs that’s all we see,
Not the faces of the heroes that saved our lives.

The second bell rings and the silence is broken,
Shimmering tears stroll roll down their faces,
Each mourner lays a poppy,
Or touches their loved ones name.

The tearful bunch slowly walk away,
Maybe it’ll be the last time they see them for another year,
The heroes sink back into the statue,
After being reunited with their loved ones,
maybe they feel forgotten by others,
But they will live in my heart forever.