The Banshee Calls

I lay there alive but dead,
Is this how it must end? I said.
Freezing, grey, lonely I die,
As a brave lion who yells the battle cry.
The others unwillingly run beside me,
But that was when I heard the yell of the Banshee.

She walked towards me pale, silent but with glee,
Whilst the other soldiers run past her not knowing what I can see.
Why she was happy to see me I did not know,
But the dormant fear inside me began to grow.
In the background I saw soldiers shout and flee,
Until again I heard the scream of the Banshee.

I woke up in a hospital worn down by war,
I looked slowly around and saw many more.
A nurse said I would have died since my pulse was so low,
But at where I laid was the remains of a faint echo.
Now you’ve heard and I wish you see,
Why you should listen to the call of the Banshee.